
Thursday, 3 October 2013

Auckland Council Elections 2013

In Auckland there are Council Elections every three years, and these are on right now.

The Mayor: The Mayor is elected by the public. The Mayor right now is Len Brown. There are seventeen candidates standing for Mayor and you can only pick one. Once elected, the Mayor appoints the Deputy Mayor which is one of the Councillors.

Councillors: There are thirteen wards and there are twenty Councillors. These twenty Councillors work with the Mayor to make up the governing body. The Governing body are in charge of the Auckland rates and regional issues etc.

Local Board Members: In the twenty-one local boards there are between five to nine people on them. That equals about one-hundred-and-eighty-nine people in Local Boards altogether. The Local Boards represent the communities they are for.  


Mr. Nath said...

Well done Karl. You have learnt so much about the Auckland Council. I have learnt a lot from reading your Blog.

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