
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Star Wars

On Friday 27 September 2013 after School I was playing Star Wars. I was being Anakin Skywalker and Robin was being Yoda. First I said to the Clones "Fire on the Sith and Battle Droids". Then most of the Clones were killed! The few remaining Clones retreated. Next Yoda came onto the planet and then the remaining Clones, Yoda and I destroyed the Battle Droids but the Sith escaped. It was not done with out casualties. Suddenly a bomb dropped on me and I fell to the ground unconscious. Then Order 66 came. The Clones turned on the Jedi.

When I woke up I was in a Sith medical base. After that Chancellor Palpatine told me to turn to the Dark Side or die. I did not want to die so I turned to the Dark Side. Later on Yoda (on Dagobah) was woken by me walking. We started fighting with our Lightsabers. A little while later Yoda got reinforcements and I called for reinforcements as well. The Storm Troopers (who were the Clones turned bad) came to reinforce me and Yaddle and a lot of Rebels. Yoda and his troops retreated and left. I ordered the Storm Troopers to fire at Yoda's, Yaddle's and the Rebel's ships. Yoda escaped unfortunately. The next day I was fighting Darth Sidioius and won. The Jedi won the War.

By Karl.


Unknown said...

Wow Karl that was great reading and I look forward the next installment.

Mr. Nath said...

Well done Karl.This is a good recount on the games you played with Robin. I want to know more about all the characters in the game.

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