When I woke up I was in a Sith medical base. After that Chancellor Palpatine told me to turn to the Dark Side or die. I did not want to die so I turned to the Dark Side. Later on Yoda (on Dagobah) was woken by me walking. We started fighting with our Lightsabers. A little while later Yoda got reinforcements and I called for reinforcements as well. The Storm Troopers (who were the Clones turned bad) came to reinforce me and Yaddle and a lot of Rebels. Yoda and his troops retreated and left. I ordered the Storm Troopers to fire at Yoda's, Yaddle's and the Rebel's ships. Yoda escaped unfortunately. The next day I was fighting Darth Sidioius and won. The Jedi won the War.
By Karl.
Wow Karl that was great reading and I look forward the next installment.
Well done Karl.This is a good recount on the games you played with Robin. I want to know more about all the characters in the game.
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