
Thursday, 13 June 2013

Big Shift

Title: Big Shift
Author: Jacqui Brown

The story is about a family that splits up and the dad stays back on the farm in the countryside while the mum and the three children go and stay in Wellington. The characters in the story are Dad, Mum, Terei, Cherie, the Narrator, Tomo, Meilai, the two kids who beat up Tomo and the two kids who were tagging.
The story takes place on the farm in the countryside and in Wellington.
I like  this story because it shows how some people feel when  their parents split up and they struggle to keep their family together.  


Mrs Raj, Glenbrae said...

Good job Karl! I like the way you wrote about the book you read. Next time, add some more detail to your story review please!

Mrs. Raj

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