
Friday, 29 August 2014

The Big Game

The Big Game by Sue Gibbison.

This story is about Karla, Mum and the narrator going to watch the rugby game in their small town. Their town is so small that they got used to missing out on the big things. When they heard about the rugby, they were very excited. Mum agreed to the children going to the rugby game, but there were conditions. The children had to do the chores for a week.

Even though soccer was the game in their family, they enjoyed the rugby game heaps. They were really excited when they saw Shane, as he was their favourite player. Karla and the narrator could not wait for the game to start.

When Shane did his big run and scored a try, Karla and the narrator cheered the loudest. At the end of the game, they waited to be allowed on the field. At last when they got on the field, Shane came straight to them to sign their programmes. Then, mum looked at the programme to see when the famous player was playing again.

Aug 29, 2014 10:50:32 AM.jpg

Wednesday, 27 August 2014


On Saturday last weekend, Robin, Mama, Papa and I drove to Rotorua to get Mama a bike.

After we got it, we went to get lunch. We got lunch from Couplands Bakery. Next we went to Ohinemutu Marae.  We went into St Mary's Church, which has a window with an etching of Jesus on it and when you look through it you see Jesus walking on the water, as the church looks out onto the lake.

We then went back to the bike place to see if we could find a new bike for Mama because we got an extra small. We could not find one so we got her a helmet from Bike Barn.

After we got the helmet we went mountain biking just out of Rotorua. Later on we went to Waikite (Wai - Water Kite - Clear) Hot Springs. There were a lot of pools and they were all warm, with the hottest being 39 degrees Celcius.

A while after that when we finished we went to Oma's and Opa's house for the night. In the morning we went for a bike to the school and we saw Monsieur (monsieur is french for mister) Billy Goat. The school has a garden for each class and the adventure playground was awesome.

I had fun on the holiday. I also felt a bit guilty that I had made myself comfy at Oma's and Opa's house when they were not there.

Thursday, 7 August 2014


What Causes Earthquakes?

1. There is at least 1 earthquake each day in New Zealand.
2. In 1855 the was a big earthquake at Wairarapa which was the biggest in New Zealand in 200 years and the ground shook 140 km from where it was.
3. Earthquakes are measured by a seismograph that measures the shaking.
4. Magnitude is the term used to measure earthquakes, for example the earthquake at Wairarapa was 8.2 magnitude.
5. Most earthquakes in New Zealand are too small to feel but 150-200 each year can be felt.
6. Earthquakes happen when two Tectonic Plates meet and try to force through each other.
7. New Zealand is on the Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate.
8. The frequency of large earthquakes have been measured since European Settlers arrived.

I got my information from this link: What causes Earthquakes?

By Karl.